可编脚本的Amazon S3 Windows客户端



Cloudberry写了Powershell cmdlet,可能会做你想要的:



如果你不介意一点编程(而且只是一点,真的),尝试boto ,这是一个Python模块。 我们在Windows的构build脚本中使用它,这非常简单。 你可以做这样的事情:

# Example: Upload an .exe file and make it world readable. from boto.s3 import Connection conn = Connection(YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID, YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) bucket = conn.get_bucket('some-bucket') key = bucket.new_key('the_file.exe') key.set_contents_from_filename('local_path_to_the_file.exe') key.set_acl('public-read') 

您还可以生成那些漂亮的自动过期url – 我们用于付费下载的url:

 # Example: Get a URL for a file on S3. Make the URL expire after 1 day. from boto.s3 import Connection conn = Connection(YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID, YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) bucket = conn.get_bucket('some-bucket') key = bucket.get_key('path/to/your/file') url = key.generate_url(expires_in=86400) # Note: 86400 is the number of seconds in 1 day 


我使用一个名为Jsh3ll的基于Java的工具。 (显然在Windows中工作)


我需要的主要function是使用“命令文件”的能力。 即我使用脚本生成一个文本文件,我需要上传的所有文件,然后我可以运行一个命令来处理整个文件。 18个月前我做了这个研究的时候,这是唯一有这个function的工具。

你可以尝试迷你客户端又名“MC”。 mc提供了与Amazon S3兼容的云存储和文件系统一起使用的最less工具。


  ls List files and folders. mb Make a bucket or folder. cat Display contents of a file. pipe Write contents of stdin to one or more targets. When no target is specified, it writes to stdout. share Generate URL for sharing. cp Copy one or more objects to a target. mirror Mirror folders recursively from a single source to many destinations. diff Compute differences between two folders. rm Remove file or bucket [WARNING: Use with care]. access Manage bucket access permissions. session Manage saved sessions of cp and mirror operations. config Manage configuration file. update Check for a new software update. version Print version. mc <command> --help will provide example for working on individual commands. 
