


tcpdump -s 128 -vvv -T rtcp src orac and port 57393 11:58:52.027102 orac.erg.abdn.ac.uk.1053 > sr 489542890 @3238744444.18 2584794646 12583800p 2794620371b 489542890 1l 12646339s 0j @0.00+0.00 sdes 60 489542890 (ttl 127, id 19051, len 140) 11:58:55.772400 orac.erg.abdn.ac.uk.1053 > sr 489542890 @3238744447.93 2585131669 12583837p 2794653187b 489542890 1l 12646376s 0j @0.00+0.00 sdes 60 489542890 (ttl 127, id 19089, len 140) 11:59:00.478495 orac.erg.abdn.ac.uk.1053 > sr 489542890 @3238744452.64 2585555168 12583874p 2794686955b 489542890 1l 12646413s 0j @0.00+0.00 sdes 60 489542890 (ttl 127, id 19127, len 140) 11:59:07.916442 orac.erg.abdn.ac.uk.1053 > sr 489542890 @3238744460.07 2586224502 12583901p 2794700449b 489542890 1l 12646440s 0j @0.00+0.00 sdes 60 489542890 (ttl 127, id 19155, len 140) 11:59:13.840491 orac.erg.abdn.ac.uk.1053 > sr 489542890 @3238744466.00 2586757598 12583931p 2794716009b 489542890 1l 12646470s 0j @0.00+0.00 sdes 60 489542890 (ttl 127, id 19186, len 140) 



在那个angular色的左边你有源IP和端口,右边是目的IP和端口。 所以这意味着转储的数据包从orac.erg.abdn.ac.uk.1053发送到224.。 angular色本身没有特别的意义。

“丹纳达姆”对“性格”的含义是完全正确的。 这是在man tcpdump中描述的TCPstream:

               src> dst:flags data-seqno ack窗口紧急选项 

Src和dst是源和目标IP地址和端口。 标志是S(SYN),F(FIN),P(PUSH),R(RST),W(ECN CWR)或E(ECN-Echo)的一些组合.' (no flags). Data-seqno describes the portion of sequence space covered by the data in this packet (see example below). Ack is sequence number of the next data expected the other direction on this connection. Window is the number of bytes of receive buffer space available the other direction on this connection. Urg indicates there is .' (no flags). Data-seqno describes the portion of sequence space covered by the data in this packet (see example below). Ack is sequence number of the next data expected the other direction on this connection. Window is the number of bytes of receive buffer space available the other direction on this connection. Urg indicates there is .' (no flags). Data-seqno describes the portion of sequence space covered by the data in this packet (see example below). Ack is sequence number of the next data expected the other direction on this connection. Window is the number of bytes of receive buffer space available the other direction on this connection. Urg indicates there is数据包中.' (no flags). Data-seqno describes the portion of sequence space covered by the data in this packet (see example below). Ack is sequence number of the next data expected the other direction on this connection. Window is the number of bytes of receive buffer space available the other direction on this connection. Urg indicates there is紧急的数据。 选项是用尖括号括起来的tcp选项(例如,)。

所以tcpdump根据协议/层具有不同的输出。 由于您没有-n标志,因此src和dst字段是IP的DNS反向查找,端口是简写字母缩写,表示端口通常用于的内容。
